Jevgenij Cernikov

Jevgenij Cernikov

Jevgenij Cernikov

Joined 18 Oct 2022


Call / Message

Hello! My name is Jevgenij and Iam happy to help ! You have lost your phone, Ring or keys at the beach, farm land or underwater ? I have the equipment and experience to find it. if you don't search it, you won't find it. I have been metal detecting for almost a 10 years now in all weathers , beach , land or underwater!Also magnet fishing for almost the same amount of time! Metaldetecting is the best hobby I have ever done and an absolute buzz to find lost property for people! As Irish laws about metaldetecting are very very strikt and i have to be sure - there is no protected monuments around as licence need to be issued from national monument service!

Ireland, co.Monaghan, Co.louth, Co.Cavan, Co.Meath, Dublin

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