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Found Owners Lost Ring at Clontarf Beach Sydney Australia
Lost Gold Ring Mudgeeraba
Diamond wedding ring RETURNED!
First rescue of the season.
Rolex FOUND đ§đČđ€Ż
Diving for Brett's Wedding Ring at Cronulla Beach
Help me find the owner.
Tallebudgera Creek recovery
07/2023 Lost wedding ring lost in the woods
Ring found on Florida beach
Lost Signet ring found and returned
Lost wedding Ring found in Warwick Rhode Island
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Wirklich unbeschreiblich klasse! Wir haben meinen Ehering paar Tage nach der Hochzeit am Strand verloren und hatten kaum Hoffnung das der Ring gefunden werden kann. Zumal wir am folgetag abreisen mussten und nicht mehr vor Ort waren. Doch die Ringfinder sind wirklich klasse. 2 Tage nach Anfrage fĂŒhren die Ringfinder raus auf die Insel und fanden den Ring in kĂŒrzester Zeit. Die Kommunikation und Absprachen funktionieren klasse und die ganze Familie ist sehr glĂŒcklich und erleichtert, dass der Ring doch gefunden wurde. Vielen vielen Dank Ringfinder und an alle die das hier lesen: habt vertrauen und fragt die Ringfinder um UnterstĂŒtzung. Sie geben ihr bestes um euch zu helfen!
Michael Stalmach
Michael this Rolex is really priceless as it's going to be a PRESENT to my daughter when she grows up. I wanted my daughter to have something special that I wore while she was growing up. This Rolex will have many memories attached to it, including Michael Oliver the Metal detectorist who saved the day. Thank Michael
It was the day before NYE on a remote beach north of Coffs when my partners daughter lost her engagement ring whilst camping. I found Michael in a Google search and asked if he knew of anybody in the Coffs Harbour area who may provide a metal detector service. He put me onto Kyle and he was immediately onto it, enthusiastic, checking tide times, his gear and ready to go. Kyle didnât hesitate with the hour long drive and 20-30km of it on gravel road, sand dunes and wading through the creek for the last section to the camp. He searched the sand through until 10pm under torch light with no luck, but he then returned the next morning. Within 20min he found it!! Thank you Kyle, you are such a genuine person, polite, professional and truely dedicated. Thank you so much for your effort. Helen
Engagement ring found at Pebbly Beach
Freundlich, zuvorkommend, hilfsbereit! Tolle Truppe.
Lorenz Kraft
I am an I.B.E.W. Journey Lineman, working a 220kv Transmission line in the hills above Fillmore, Ca. On 4-2-2020 we were in the process of Dead-Ending the new conductors we had recently strung in by pressing the Dead-End bodies with a 60T hydraulic press when the top die slid out of the press and fell 100â to the ground. Despite watching it fall all the way, and knowing where it hit, the ground help was unable to locate the die. We resumed work with another set and 10 minutes later, another die slides out of the press. I didnât see it fall, but it bounced 3 times off the tower before hitting the ground and no one saw where it went. Itâs not so much the cost of replacing the dies, but the fact that they are 6-8 weeks out (or longer because we are in the middle of the COVID-19 Pandemic) for replacement, and we now only have 2 sets of dies for the entire job. After pondering buying a Metal Detector myself, I decided to find a professional. After about 30 minutes of internet searching, I came across The Ring Finders and David Mac Donald. It was 9:40 pm on a Sat. night and I pondered texting him so late, but I only had about a 4hr. window on Sun. mornig to search before a weeks worth of rain set in and makes access to the structure impossible for next 7-10 days, so i texted him. He immediately texted me back, and was more than happy to help out, and full of questions. What are we looking for?, How big of a search area?, What are they made of?, Can I supply another one to ping his detector with?, and How early do you want to meet? We met at 7am, and by 7:45 we were at the search area. It only took about 3-4 minutes to find the 1st die. Even though my guys had dug and pulled up weeds and bushes, it was still burried another 3-4â just from the shear impact from that height. The seach area for the other die, I figured could be about a 50-100â dia. area around the tower as I had no idea what direction it went when it bounced off the tower. So we said a little prayer, and with his good nature and positive attitude, It took David about another hour of searching in a grid pattern,( working his way out on a pretty steep, overgrown hillside, most of the time holding onto the brush with one hand to maintain balance), when he hit pay dirt. He found it about 6â from the opposite tower leg and still about 3â deep. I canât say Thank You enough, But I will spread the word nation wide in our industry of how useful your services are. John Probst
I canât say Thank You enough, But I will spread the word nation wide in our industry of how useful your services are.
Testimonial: Adam!!!!! He is amazing! I lost my parentâs wedding bands in the yard. I called Adam after searching for over a week with my own metal detector. Adam showed up and found both rings within less than 5 minutes! Iâm eternally grateful ????????????????
Speechless I am!! didn't know underwater metal detecting services even existed. my friend highly recommended you to me and I was not disappointed. your confidence and positive attitude is inspiring, to see you in the water with these waves crashing down on you. I felt really bad and at first thought this is not going to happen then you call out to me with the biggest smile on your face saying you found my ring. Thank you michael for all you do, i'm going to recommend you to everyone I know. Thank you Michael.
Michael you legend
Michael words cannot express how much I appreciate your time and effort, I thought my gold bracelet I had from birth was lost forever. Thank you for finding my bracelet, I'll forever remember this day
Thank YOU Jeff for diligent efforts and successfully finding my ring which I had given up as lost for good for these past four years. Just by sheer luck I happened to be listening to KIRO last February and since the ring had a lot of sentimental value to me, I thought Iâd make one last attempt to locate the ring and reach out to Ring Finderâs, not realizing that there was even such a service available. Itâs utterly amazing how you were able to find the ring buried under a layer of dust inside the tiniest of crevices!! You have no idea how happy both Glenn and I are. This will definitely be one of our best stories to share with family and friends. Next stop will be Shane Co. and we will tell them how you found our ring! Kelly Midomaru - Seattle, WA
This will definitely be one of our best stories to share with family and friends
Answered a shout out on Social Media to assist with the recovery of a family heirloom. There was a beach wedding and the mom gave her daughter a 120 year old locket that belonged to her grandmother as a "something old". It was pinned to the brides dress but came loose during the celebration and was lost to the sand. I spent 3 hours hunting the areas of the ceremony and where photos were taken and was able to happily reunite the locket to a very relieved mom. "*** update the locket has been found Thank you Terry Smith for your help. It means so much to me that you were able to locate it. "
Reunited the Mother of the Bride with her heirloom locket
Janik hat meinen Mann seinen Ehering sehr schnell in einem See wieder gefunden. Wir hatten nicht mehr dran geglaubt ihn wieder zu bekommen, jedoch machte er uns Hoffnung und hat ihn tatsĂ€chlich wieder gefunden. Wir waren super glĂŒcklich darĂŒber! Wir können Janik an jedem weiter empfehlen, super nett und versucht einem so schnell wie möglich bei der Suche zu helfen. Vielen lieben Dank dir nochmal! Viele liebe GrĂŒĂe von Andrej und Lena
Lena Jungkunz
Hatte bei der Telefonnummer von der Internetseite angerufen und innerhalb von 5 Minuten einen RĂŒckruf bekommen. Mir wurde auf RĂŒgen sofort ein Ringfinder vermittelt, mit dem ich noch am gleichen Abend auf die Suche ging. Auch wenn wir meinen Ring leider nicht mehr finden konnten, lag es sicher nicht am Ringfinder oder seiner Ausstattung. Alles war sehr professionell und er nahm sich sogar noch einen weiteren Abend, um noch zusĂ€tzlich mit seinem Sohn nach meinem Ring zu suchen.
Karl Hansmeister
Peter der uns von Jannik vermittelt wurde, hat unseren Ehering nach ca. 1,5 Stunden suchen wieder gefunden. Man kann mit Gewissheit sagen, dass die Jungs nicht wegen des Geldes da sind und eine riesen Portion Enthusiasmus mit auf die Suche bringen, groĂzĂŒgig entlohnt haben wir den erfolgreichen Fund unseres Eherings dennoch, das versteht sich ja von selbst. Wir waren ĂŒberglĂŒcklich, als Peter den Ring im Gras wieder gefunden hat!
Philip Schuster
Michael you are the best, my grandmothers ring means everything to me. I can't believe you found it after I lost all hope, you knew it was my ring before you even dug it. Watching you search was interesting you have this intense focus My friend said he will find it. I will share your contact details on my social media. I still can't believe you can metal detect underwater
Thanks Michael Oliver
Das GlĂŒck liegt (fast) auf der StraĂe Im AllgĂ€u spazieren gewesen, mit Schwung den Apfelgrips (bio natĂŒrlich und regional) ins Gras am Weg geschleudert - und der locker sitzende Ehering flog leider im hohen Bogen gleich mit. Drama! Seit fast 20 Jahren mein tĂ€glicher Begleiter! Die Flugbahn hatten wir in etwa gesehen, aber der Ring war so tief ins kniehohe Gras abgetaucht, dass selbst eine mehrstĂŒndige Suche nichts brachte. Was nun? Gegooglet, was in einem solchen Fall zu tun ist, und direkt bei gelandet. Ringfinder-Erfinder Janik sagte am Telefon, den Fall ĂŒbernehme er gern selbst, weil er am Wochenende eh in die Gegend wolle - und schon vor der verabredeten Zeit wartete ein gutgelaunter Ringfinder samt technischer Ausstattung auf uns. Aber dann: Wir konnten zwar das Areal gut eingrenzen⊠immer wieder hektisches Piepsen des SuchgerĂ€ts, jedoch fand sich alles Mögliche aus Metall, nur kein Ring. Eine ganze Stunde bei immer heiĂerem Wetter und in immer gröĂeren Kreisen suchte Janik grĂŒndlich und hochmotiviert ab, man könnte sagen, er drehte jeden Stein und Halm um, stacheliges GebĂŒsch hin oder her. Nichts. Es schien aussichtslos, bis Janik eine plötzliche Eingebung hatte und statt im hohen Gras die niedrigen GrasbĂŒschel direkt am Wegesrand absuchte - wir waren wenig optimistisch, denn da hĂ€tten wir den Ring doch schon lĂ€ngst gesehen haben mĂŒssen! Da - ein Fiepen, ein Ringfinder, der zur kleinen Spitzhacke greift und aus doch betrĂ€chtlicher Bodentiefe⊠meinen Ring hervorholt!!! Riesige Freude allerseits und ein supergroĂes Dankeschön an Janik!!!