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Jeff Morgan is a savior and gem of a person! My personal story starts off with losing my heirloom wedding ring in a snow covered national park in Seattle. I had lost all hopes of retrieving it and in that hopelessness I googled how to deal with losing a wedding ring and I found I was surprised that such services exist and that they genuinely want to help. So I called Jeff who is one of the most experienced ring finders in Washington state. I am glad I connected with him since he is very detailed in asking the right questions and was prompt to schedule some time to head to the location where I assumed to have lost my ring. He had the tools and experience backing him on his journey to find my ring. Unfortunately, that day he couldn’t find it. However, he didn’t end his effort there. He informed the rangers and the maintenance people working there in case they find the ring once the snow melts. Jeff also shared some tips with me on how I can follow up to find the ring. That communication helped, since one day he was contacted by one of the maintenance employees who informed him that a ring with my description was found once the snow had melted! Jeff was proactive to inform me and even got me connected to the maintenance employee. Finally due to Jeff’s communication, experience and commitment towards helping people to find their lost items, I got my ring back! It was unbelievable and I’m very thankful to God that I found Jeff to help me. Jeff is the guy who will go above and beyond to help anyone! Thank you Jeff!! Regards, Nancy - California
I’m very thankful to God that I found Jeff to help me. Jeff is the guy who will go above and beyond to help anyone! Thank you Jeff!!
Jeff was very professional, consultative and well organized - and he found our sixteen year old daughter's gold pendant in Lake Washington. Thank you Jeff! The longer story. My sixteen year old daughter lost her pendant off a dock in Lake Washington - the necklace snapped and the pendant slipped through the slats on the dock. The pendant was a birthday gift and very meaningful to her so we knew we had to find it! We were lucky in that she marked the location where it had fallen into the water - so we knew we had a chance. When we first visited the spot I jumped in to look for the pendant - but the water was very cold and visibility under the dock was poor. We decided at that point that we needed a professional. We got lucky again when we found Jeff. He quickly reviewed the situation and thought we had a chance. The next day he brought his gear to the dock and located the pendant. Jeff for the win! Thanks again Jeff - our daughter is very happy and so are we! Thanks, Jason Young Seattle, WA
Jeff was very professional, consultative and well organized
I wanted to share my incredible 10/10 experience regarding Jeff Morgan The Seattle Ring Hunter!!! I recently lost 3 very expensive rings in my deep backyard (1 engagement ring, 1 wedding band, and 1 jewelry ring). These rings had deep sentimental importance and were also valued at over $160K. . . . . . I knew they were lost in the deep woods of my large 10 acre property that was very sloped and difficult to even get through. Jeff has tremendous experience and ingenuity in developing a very strategic system to map out the yard and locate the ring(s) using intense attention to detail and various metal-detection equipment. The first 2 days there was no luck, but on the 3rd day 2 rings were found, and on the 4th day the 3rd and final ring was also found!!! It was one of the happiest moments of our lives, and we can't thank Jeff enough for his persistence, professionalism, determination, and positivity throughout the process. He is definitely a "People Person" with a warm personality and awesome communication skills. It is obvious he takes great pride in his work, and literally he changes people's lives where many have lost all hope and are in a very bad place. We whole-heartedly recommend and endorse Jeff Morgan The Seattle Ring Hunter!!! He is the best. Ed - North Bend, WA
Incredible 10/10 experience regarding Jeff Morgan The Seattle Ring Hunter!!!
Thank you Michael Oliver for coming out today and helping me find my lost wedding ring. As you know I was Married for over 30 years, my wife passed away 20 years ago and to lose my ring really hurt. You run a great service, I'll let everyone know about and loved your wetsuit by the way, you look like James Bond of finding lost rings. Thanks David
David's Lost Wedding Ring
Thank You Michael for finding my families lost wedding rings, as you know my mother passed away 8 years ago and the last few days have been mentally devastating after the loss of the rings. I didn't know underwater metal detecting was even a thing and I seen your youtube videos. It's amazing how many people you help. Thank you Simon
Michael Oliver you Legend
My friend and I went for a walk one evening and she felt her ring fall off her finger. We knew it was nearby but couldn't find it. I found Jeff on: He was very reassuring over the phone during the stressful situation. He was willing to come all the way to north Seattle to help that evening. Over the phone he offered advice for our search and we found it before his long drive. I give credit to Jeff for the ring being found! We need more caring people like him. Thanks again! Claire Tadych Seattle, WA
I give credit to Jeff for the ring being found! We need more caring people like him.
Mein Handy wurde in kurzer Zeit gefunden im See gefunden, voll funktionsfähig, war sprachlos.
Elsa Z.
Ich habe meinen Ring vor einem halben Jahr in der benachbarten Grünfläche verloren. Auch nachdem wir das ganze Gelände zigfach abgesucht und gegraben haben wurde der Ring nicht gefunden. Durch Zufall erfuhr ich von den Ringindern. Nach telefonischen Kontakt kam eine Mitglied innerhalb einem Tag zu uns. Auch wenn ich nicht daran geglaubt habe, dass der ring noch gefunden wird, kann ich nur mit Freude mitteilen, dass der Ring nach ca. 1 Stunde professioneller Suche tatsächlich gefunden wurde. Nochmals besten Dank hierfür. Kann und werde ich weiterempfehlen
Peter Kronawitter
Thank You Michael Oliver from lost jewellery recovery, you legend you found my lost ring in just a few minutes and we searched for over an hour for it. I’m going to let everyone I know about you, it’s really cool your metal detecting service is worldwide. I can’t explain how much this ring means to me, you must make a-lot of people happy. What an incredibly rewarding job you have. Thank you.
lost ring Bronte Beach, Sydney
Speechless I am!! didn't know underwater metal detecting services even existed. my friend highly recommended you to me and I was not disappointed. your confidence and positive attitude is inspiring, to see you in the water with these waves crashing down on you. I felt really bad and at first thought this is not going to happen then you call out to me with the biggest smile on your face saying you found my ring. Thank you michael for all you do, i'm going to recommend you to everyone I know. Thank you Michael.
Michael you legend
1000 Dank das ihr unseren Ring wieder gefunden habt. Ich kann es kaum glauben. Es war eine sehr freundliche Kontaktaufnahme und eine schnelle Abwicklung. Ich habt tolle Arbeit geleistet. Danke 🙏🏼
Sabrina Nehls
Ringfinder Jens aus Dortmund würde ich auch gerne mehr als 5 Sterne geben! Ich hatte den Anhänger einer Halskette im Sand eines Reitplatzes verloren. Nach dem Telefonat kam Jens noch am selben Abend und fand den Anhänger am nächsten Morgen! Vielen lieben Dank für die schnelle, freundliche und sehr kompetente Hilfe.
Michaela Lange
Chris Straube here, I'm Patricia and Barry's son. Just wanted to thank you for finding Mom's wedding ring...I can't believe you found it on such a busy stretch such as Alki! It truly blows the mind. Keep up the good work, and thanks again. -Chris Straube Seattle, WA
I can't believe you found it...
Jeff was quick to respond to my message about my lost wedding ring on a 25 acre ranch. He believed I had a good chance of recovery because of the details I had given him. He provided me with so much information about how he works to find things that it gave the hope back that I had lost after not finding my ring for 2 months. Jeff was very thorough and efficient. He was out in the rain for hours, making sure no piece of land was left un-searched. After 4 long hours of metal detecting, he found my ring in a completely different spot than I had told him I thought it was! He was amazing! Chelsea Johnson Olympia, WA
Jeff was very thorough and efficient...