Found $17000 bangle in just 6 minutes of the dive Found $17000 bangle in just 6 minutes of the dive
2 years ago
Today I was Called out to recover Kim's $17,000 Cartier Love bangle, Lost 8 metres Deep in low vis waters. Found the Bangle in just 6 minutes of the dive.
Found $60000 gold diamond engagement ring
2 years ago
Owner lost her $60,000 gold diamond engagement ring on the side of a busy highway, she was terribly sick with worry thinking it's gone forever. After an hour search metal detecting, I found her ring and the owner was in tears, she was so grateful to be reunited with her beloved lost engagement ring.
Helping a husband find his wife's wedding ring
2 years ago
I'm called out to coogee beach to help a husband find his wife's wedding ring. He accidentally flicked the ring off the towel. OOPS I reckon hubby is in trouble!! 20 minutes later I found his wife's wedding ring and he was jumping with joy and siad (you saved my marriage Michael) no worries mate I'm here to help.
Found $100,000 gold diamond Rolex
2 years ago
I get an urgent call out, the owner loses a $100,000 gold diamond Rolex in the city, lost in a large muddy park after the rains. After a few hours of metal detecting I found the owner's Rolex buried deep in the muddy ground. The owner was in tears and said (this is a precious gift and means the world to me, thank you Michael)
Found $50,000 gold ring underwater in 60 mins
2 years ago
Owner David lost his wedding ring while ocean swimming, he told me (you found my mate's ring last year and my wife does not know I lost my wedding ring so I called you and hopefully you can find my wedding ring without my wife knowing. No worries mate, if it's there I will find your ring. 45 minutes into the dive I found Dave's wedding ring with my XP Deus ll underwater metal detector.
Found lost engagement ring in 30 minutes at Maroubra Beach
2 years ago
Today I was called out to help find a young ladies lost engagement ring in knee deep water, I used my minelab equinox 800 Metal detector with 15 inch coil Tek coil to find this beautiful lost ring. The owner lost it while walking along the beach taking photos. I got to location within 20 minutes and found her engagement ring 30 minutes into the search. The ring is 18k white gold with one large diamond in the middle surrounded by smaller diamonds. The owner and her husband were very happy to be reunited with their beautiful engagement ringđź’Ťđź‘Ť
Lost in The Leaves!
2 years ago
I received a call from a young couple . They had hired a photographer and were having their first photo shoot as a new family. They had been throwing leaves for effect and after the shoot was complete, they noticed that the engagement ring was missing. They searched first by eye, then purchased a metal detector from a box store, with no luck. They contacted me by looking under lost jewellery on the web. I met with the father and daughter . They had marked out what they thought would be the approx. search area and I extended it by approx 3 metres on all edges. Started with a grid search and second pass, approx 1.5 metres outside the outer edge located the ring. Very happy young family!!
Ring aus der Ostsee
2 years ago
Im Sommer 2022 durfte ich eine Ehering aus 2,5 Meter tiefe Bergen.
Ring in der Ostsee verloren
2 years ago
Beim spielen mit dem Ball ging ein Ring in der Ostsee verloren, auch diesen durfte ich retten.
Lost Engagement Ring during Pregnancy Shoot
2 years ago
I was just called out to Maroubra Beach to help 8 months pregnant owners lost engagement ring during her pregnancy photo shoot. Her ring was kept on another finger which the ring is lose on and as she waved her hands, the ring fell into the water. I was called out to help search for the lost engagement ring using my minelab equinox 800 Metal Detector. This ring is both highly sentimental and expensive, the owners thought a wave took the ring and It's gone forever, I reassured them saying theres not enough water current to take the ring too far it is here and i will find it. 20 minutes into the search my metal detector gets a good signal and dug from the shallow waters was the owners lost engagement ring, she was over the moon happy running over to give her husband and i a big hug. The ring has been found now they can focus on the rest of there pregnancy photo shoot, another happy owner with the biggest smile she was very much grateful.
Wedding Ring Recovered in Kananaskis River
2 years ago
I received a call from Paul. He lost his ring in the river while surfing. His fingers got cold and the ring disappeared into the depths. Good thing that the river flow is controlled by a dam and for a period of time there is a chance to recover the ring. Paul wanted to help, so I loaned him a detector…….it worked. Watch the video below for the story. Watch the video below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3vZdFOjK0I&ab_channel=CalgaryRingFinder
“Tras 43 años en el Mar vuelve a su dueño”
2 years ago
A primeros de Octubre de 2022 buceando un dĂa como otro cualquiera localice un colgante de oro con el grupo sanguĂneo inscrito, este colgante llevaba los datos del propietario detrás asĂ que investigando un poco si con Ă©l y pude entregársela, no daba crĂ©dito de lo sucedido pues hacĂa 43 años la habĂa perdido .. Una bonita historia con un final muy emotivo!! A seguir buscando!!!
Found sentimental rings in rock garden
2 years ago
Chris contacted me hoping that I could help him find his wife’s specially made engagement and wedding ring from a rock garden on their property, I am never sure what to expect when I get these requests. Will the garden be overgrown and loaded with metal objects making recovery difficult or impossible, but fortunately today the owner could tell me where they lost it so I had an small search area with a garden free of contaminating metal objects. I used the metal detector on the main part of the garden and then looked along the edge of the house where it was likely to have fallen. Surprisingly there it was right where she had dropped it between the rocks where they had spent considerable time looking for it. Both of them let out a sigh of relief and there were big smiles all round.
truck driver
2 years ago
semi trailer with crane driver
Professional metaldetectorist
2 years ago
Working and helping archeology and privat sector as well