Janet White

Janet White

Janet White

Joined 10 Feb 2023

Panama City Beach

Call / Message

I have been metal detecting/magnet fishing for a number of years now and have found many wonderful items and artifacts in many states. My favorite time is when I happen to be on beach or in a park somewhere and someone comes up and asks for help in finding their lost keys or rings ect.... I just love it - it makes them feel good and it makes me feel good also. I have even had an older gentleman approach me and wanted to know if I could help him find his property metal stakes lol .... of course I did. If you need me call me okay ! Please know that if you need me to come to a private property you will need to have a written permission before I can come out. Also I love a good beach hunt so don't think your item cannot be located just because it's in foot of sand,,,,nothing I love more than chasing an object into the water ! LOL Water searches are typically within a 5-8 ft depth.

Call out fee is 45.00 per hour and this includes the first hour of search time. Each additional hour is 20.00 per hour. If you happen to be a great distance the price will vary but we will discuss this when you call or text.

Panama City, Panama City Beach, Destin, Santa Rosa Beach, Mexico Beach. Florida USA


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