Diana Zambory

Diana Zambory

Diana Zambory

Joined 16 Sep 2023

Atlantic Beach

Call / Message

I have been doing metal detecting for proximately 5 years. But I am still very much what I consider a beginner. I had found and returned 2 rings for people in my local area. I love metal detecting but I love making the return of someone's lost property even more. Both ring returns, I charged $0 to do. I cannot say that will happen every time because it depends on travel. I am 66 years old and retired from a custodial job at the local community college. This is my most favorite pastime. Through the years I have lost many wonderful items that I wished I had back so I understand the feeling. I will do my very best to find whatever It Is that you lost.

I have searched my heart about what I should put here. And the only thing that I'm going to say is sometimes. I may have to ask for a little gas money. But otherwise I still believe that there are honorable. Good people on this Earth. Therefore I'm going to leave it. In your hands as to how much that meant to you. And how much you can afford to share from my time. I honestly can't see sitting there telling you. I'm gonna charge you an hourly fee or anything like that. Because I don't think that's Right Of course, I'm spending my time but at the same time I know how it feels to lose something and how many times I wished I had the possibility to Find it so I'm going to leave it to your heart. And I thank you.

I live on the East Coast of North Carolina. It's Carteret county and in the Newport area.


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