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Lost Jewellery Recovery Worldwide is a directory for our community of devoted metal detecting enthusiasts, who share our love for keeping our parks and waterways trash free, while reuniting lost jewellery with their rightful owners.
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Ringfinder.eu, allen voran Yannik und Pascal, vielen Dank für das Wiederfinden meines Eherings im Bodensee. Kann euch nur loben. Alles sehr einfach und fair mit euch zu "arbeiten". Unglaublich wie schnell das gehen kann von Kontaktaufnahme bis zum wiederfinden des Ringes. Hat echt Spass gemacht und war verdammt interessant euch beim suchen zu beobachten. Normal würde jetzt folgen: "immer wieder gerne" aber seid mir nicht böse wenn ich trotzdem zukünftig mehr acht auf meinen Ring gebe will . Ebenso ein fettes Lob an Erik von auftragssuche.ch der uns ebenfalls unterstützt hat.
Sebastian Sickler
Thanks Michael you came highly recommended to us from multiple people, I never new your metal detecting service even existed and to know you can even find lost rings in the water is amazing, I checked out your youtube channel Michael Oliver. My husband and I could not believe how many people you have helped. You have saved our marriage and I will recommend you to anyone who needs a metal detector service in the future.
Trotz 400 Kilometer Anfahrt hat Janik den Ehering meiner Frau aus dem See geholt. Wir sind mega Happy. Gibt nicht viele Menschen auf der Welt die sich so für andere einsetzen. Kann ich nur empfehlen
Manuel Abram
I am an I.B.E.W. Journey Lineman, working a 220kv Transmission line in the hills above Fillmore, Ca. On 4-2-2020 we were in the process of Dead-Ending the new conductors we had recently strung in by pressing the Dead-End bodies with a 60T hydraulic press when the top die slid out of the press and fell 100’ to the ground. Despite watching it fall all the way, and knowing where it hit, the ground help was unable to locate the die. We resumed work with another set and 10 minutes later, another die slides out of the press. I didn’t see it fall, but it bounced 3 times off the tower before hitting the ground and no one saw where it went. It’s not so much the cost of replacing the dies, but the fact that they are 6-8 weeks out (or longer because we are in the middle of the COVID-19 Pandemic) for replacement, and we now only have 2 sets of dies for the entire job. After pondering buying a Metal Detector myself, I decided to find a professional. After about 30 minutes of internet searching, I came across The Ring Finders and David Mac Donald. It was 9:40 pm on a Sat. night and I pondered texting him so late, but I only had about a 4hr. window on Sun. mornig to search before a weeks worth of rain set in and makes access to the structure impossible for next 7-10 days, so i texted him. He immediately texted me back, and was more than happy to help out, and full of questions. What are we looking for?, How big of a search area?, What are they made of?, Can I supply another one to ping his detector with?, and How early do you want to meet? We met at 7am, and by 7:45 we were at the search area. It only took about 3-4 minutes to find the 1st die. Even though my guys had dug and pulled up weeds and bushes, it was still burried another 3-4” just from the shear impact from that height. The seach area for the other die, I figured could be about a 50-100’ dia. area around the tower as I had no idea what direction it went when it bounced off the tower. So we said a little prayer, and with his good nature and positive attitude, It took David about another hour of searching in a grid pattern,( working his way out on a pretty steep, overgrown hillside, most of the time holding onto the brush with one hand to maintain balance), when he hit pay dirt. He found it about 6’ from the opposite tower leg and still about 3” deep. I can’t say Thank You enough, But I will spread the word nation wide in our industry of how useful your services are. John Probst
I can’t say Thank You enough, But I will spread the word nation wide in our industry of how useful your services are.
Jeff, I can't tell you how much your work and your pleasant nature meant to me on finding my precious ring. You were so kind and I would highly recommend you to anyone who is missing something that is important to them. I loved hearing your stories, you were a breath of fresh air, I thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. I wish you nothing but "good hunting" in the future!! sincerely, Janet in Bothell
You were so kind and I would highly recommend you to anyone...
I would recommend Jeff Morgan because he's honest, and he doesn't give up. Until he's got the job done he found my ring after 2 hours of fretting, he kept telling me we're not done yet Sheila we're not done yet. And out he comes with it I was so happy I couldn't believe my eyes call Jeff Morgan The Seattle Ring Hunter. Sheila Darling Lake Sammamish, WA
I would recommend Jeff Morgan because he's honest, and he doesn't give up.
Thank YOU Jeff for diligent efforts and successfully finding my ring which I had given up as lost for good for these past four years. Just by sheer luck I happened to be listening to KIRO last February and since the ring had a lot of sentimental value to me, I thought I’d make one last attempt to locate the ring and reach out to Ring Finder’s, not realizing that there was even such a service available. It’s utterly amazing how you were able to find the ring buried under a layer of dust inside the tiniest of crevices!! You have no idea how happy both Glenn and I are. This will definitely be one of our best stories to share with family and friends. Next stop will be Shane Co. and we will tell them how you found our ring! Kelly Midomaru - Seattle, WA
This will definitely be one of our best stories to share with family and friends
I was tagged on a social media thread about a lost wedding band. Sven and his partner had been working in the garden cleaning up the Fall leaves and getting ready for Spring planting when one of their matching wedding bands went missing. A beautiful Titanium/Platinum band that was exchanged by the newlyweds just months ago. Turned out to be a short hunt, but gratifying just the same. "We found the ring. Thank you to Terry Smith for coming today to help us find the ring. Took him 2 min and we found it in a bag of leaves!!!! We are so delighted to having found it."
Another Callout, Another Happy Return!
I just want to thank you Michael for finding my lost ring on Bondi Beach the other night, I didn't expect you to find it so fast. You are precise on the way you walk and swing your detector on your search. I watched you in inspiration, I knew you would find my ring. thanks for the advice i'm going to share you on face book everyone should know about lost jewellery recovery's metal detecting services. your a legend.
Thanks Michael Oliver
WOW Michael you first found my wife Lauren's wedding ring in the worst place in thick thorny bush land we were really impressed with your confidence to find it and you did. Now I've lost my wedding ring and my wife was not too worried as she was most confident you'll find my wedding ring. I was not sure as I have never met you and don't know the process my wife kept me at ease saying Michael loves finding lost jewellery, don't worry he will find it. Once I met you Michael you straight away was highly confident and motivated it was really interesting to watch you metal detect. You have an intense focus when you started and I told my wife your right, Michael will find it and you did. from Lauren and I THANK YOU Michael.
Sam & Lauren
Answered a shout out on Social Media to assist with the recovery of a family heirloom. There was a beach wedding and the mom gave her daughter a 120 year old locket that belonged to her grandmother as a "something old". It was pinned to the brides dress but came loose during the celebration and was lost to the sand. I spent 3 hours hunting the areas of the ceremony and where photos were taken and was able to happily reunite the locket to a very relieved mom. "*** update the locket has been found Thank you Terry Smith for your help. It means so much to me that you were able to locate it. "
Reunited the Mother of the Bride with her heirloom locket
Wir schreiben das Jahr 2021 bei der Geschichte fühlt man sich aber in das 15 Jahrhundert zurück versetzt. Wir befinden uns nicht in der Karibik sondern am Timmendorfer Strand. Nach schwerer Folter durch den Henker habe ich zugegeben den Ehering meiner Frau nicht Ordnungsgemäß verstaut zu haben. Wo er dadurch verloren gegangen ist. Nach Tagelanger Einsamkeit im Kerker habe ich die Information bekommen das die Treuen Recken von Ringfinder sich auf die Suche machen würden. Unter schweren Einsatz Ihres Lebens wurde der Ring wieder gefunden und meiner Frau wieder in Ihrer Obhut gegeben. Ich möchte den tapferen Recken für Ihren Einsatz Danke.
Michael Prusseit
I can't thank you enough for finding my lost engagement ring, it's my 10 year anniversary this year, means the world to us what you did. The moment we met you, you gave us hope. We first thought before meeting you, you had no hope finding my ring. You are so positive and confident, you searched for hours with such a positive and professional attitude, we can see you truly love what you do. I can't imagine how many people you have helped over the years. You definitely saved a few marriages. How can I become a patron, I'd love to continue supporting your efforts, you're an inspiration, you even make YouTube videos. They are really nice to watch. Now my ring has a happy story we can share with our friends and family. I'll recommend you to everyone. Thanks so very much!
Jeff will be a family legend forever. I did not expect him to drive the lengths that he did, and certainly not at the TIME that he did, to recover my ring during low tide at the beach. The dedication Jeff has for this service is unparalleled and motivated by the love he has received from his Lord. The video says the rest. Jackie & I will always be grateful. -Jonathan Seattle, WA
Jackie & I will always be grateful...
Super nette Organisation, Ring ist glücklicherweise von selbst wieder aufgetaucht aber ich bin mir sicher dass ich hier evtl gute Hilfe bekommen hätte....
Cornelia Jakob