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Our focus is finding and reuniting you with your lost property, on land and underwater - we can find it!
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Found $17000 bangle in just 6 minutes of the dive Found $17000 bangle in just 6 minutes of the dive

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Nicht einmal 1/2 Tag ist vergangen von der Meldung meines Verlustes, bis zum Fund meines Verlobungsrings. Dazu kommt, dass jede Kontaktperson unglaublich nett ist und man merkt einfach wie sehr diese sich mit einem freuen. Einfach großartig. 1000 Dank
Victoria Originals
Habe Sonntag meinen Ehering verloren, dann bei der Hotline angerufen und uns wurde noch am gleichen Tag weiter geholfen und haben somit den Ring auch Sonntag wieder gefunden, wir alleine hätten dies niemals geschafft. Alle waren sehr nett und zuvorkommen. Ich bin so froh meinen Ring wieder zuhaben und sehr dankbar für die Hilfe von Ringfinder.eu. Nochmal ein riesengroßes Dankeschön ☺️
Answered a shout out on Social Media to assist with the recovery of a family heirloom. There was a beach wedding and the mom gave her daughter a 120 year old locket that belonged to her grandmother as a "something old". It was pinned to the brides dress but came loose during the celebration and was lost to the sand. I spent 3 hours hunting the areas of the ceremony and where photos were taken and was able to happily reunite the locket to a very relieved mom. "*** update the locket has been found Thank you Terry Smith for your help. It means so much to me that you were able to locate it. "
Reunited the Mother of the Bride with her heirloom locket
Trotz 400 Kilometer Anfahrt hat Janik den Ehering meiner Frau aus dem See geholt. Wir sind mega Happy. Gibt nicht viele Menschen auf der Welt die sich so für andere einsetzen. Kann ich nur empfehlen
Manuel Abram
Thank you Michael Oliver for coming out today and helping me find my lost wedding ring. As you know I was Married for over 30 years, my wife passed away 20 years ago and to lose my ring really hurt. You run a great service, I'll let everyone know about ljrworldwide.com and loved your wetsuit by the way, you look like James Bond of finding lost rings. Thanks David
David's Lost Wedding Ring
Sie sind super hilfreich und organisiert. Ich danke Ihnen vielmals
Mrt Emn
Thanks Michael, this ring has been with me for many years. It was impressive to how much focus you have on the job while still having a laugh with us which helped to keep my mind at ease as you kept telling us it's here and I will find it. We knew you'd find our ring. you have such an incredible job and we could see you really love it. thanks for giving me the jumper by the way I was freezing and you kept checking on me to make sure I was ok. You care about the people you help I love this about you. I've told all my friends about the incredible service you provide thank you Michael
Thanks Michael
Ringfinder.eu, allen voran Yannik und Pascal, vielen Dank für das Wiederfinden meines Eherings im Bodensee. Kann euch nur loben. Alles sehr einfach und fair mit euch zu "arbeiten". Unglaublich wie schnell das gehen kann von Kontaktaufnahme bis zum wiederfinden des Ringes. Hat echt Spass gemacht und war verdammt interessant euch beim suchen zu beobachten. Normal würde jetzt folgen: "immer wieder gerne" aber seid mir nicht böse wenn ich trotzdem zukünftig mehr acht auf meinen Ring gebe will . Ebenso ein fettes Lob an Erik von auftragssuche.ch der uns ebenfalls unterstützt hat.
Sebastian Sickler
Jeff Morgan is a savior and gem of a person! My personal story starts off with losing my heirloom wedding ring in a snow covered national park in Seattle. I had lost all hopes of retrieving it and in that hopelessness I googled how to deal with losing a wedding ring and I found TheRingFinders.com I was surprised that such services exist and that they genuinely want to help. So I called Jeff who is one of the most experienced ring finders in Washington state. I am glad I connected with him since he is very detailed in asking the right questions and was prompt to schedule some time to head to the location where I assumed to have lost my ring. He had the tools and experience backing him on his journey to find my ring. Unfortunately, that day he couldn’t find it. However, he didn’t end his effort there. He informed the rangers and the maintenance people working there in case they find the ring once the snow melts. Jeff also shared some tips with me on how I can follow up to find the ring. That communication helped, since one day he was contacted by one of the maintenance employees who informed him that a ring with my description was found once the snow had melted! Jeff was proactive to inform me and even got me connected to the maintenance employee. Finally due to Jeff’s communication, experience and commitment towards helping people to find their lost items, I got my ring back! It was unbelievable and I’m very thankful to God that I found Jeff to help me. Jeff is the guy who will go above and beyond to help anyone! Thank you Jeff!! Regards, Nancy - California
I’m very thankful to God that I found Jeff to help me. Jeff is the guy who will go above and beyond to help anyone! Thank you Jeff!!
Thank You so much Michael for coming out so fast and finding my engagement ring , I can't thank you enough. I was really stressed and feeling sick, thinking the ocean has taken my ring. When you said noworries I'll find it, you instantly gave me hope then as I watched you metal detect in the water both my mother and I said Michael is really focused he's going to find it. I was really excited when I seen you come out of the water with a big smile I knew you found my ring. Thanks so much Meg
Thank You so much Michael
I was tagged on a social media thread about a lost wedding band. Sven and his partner had been working in the garden cleaning up the Fall leaves and getting ready for Spring planting when one of their matching wedding bands went missing. A beautiful Titanium/Platinum band that was exchanged by the newlyweds just months ago. Turned out to be a short hunt, but gratifying just the same. "We found the ring. Thank you to Terry Smith for coming today to help us find the ring. Took him 2 min and we found it in a bag of leaves!!!! We are so delighted to having found it."
Another Callout, Another Happy Return!
Working with Jeff was a pleasure. He’s easy to be around, genuinely interested in helping people, and a master of his craft. His process started with a series of questions about how/where it was lost - assumptions were challenged, and facts were identified. He then developed a plan for the search and clearly communicated this with me. When he showed up I already knew what he was going to do, the gear he was going to use, and the reasoning behind it all. Using a variety of equipment, Jeff methodically searched a 50’ radius from the assumed location of the ring in 36’ of water, with a bottom time of over 3.5 hours, and only stopping when all three of his air tanks were empty. While we didn’t find the ring, knowing we did everything we could to recover it was of huge value to me. I’d highly recommend Jeff to anyone looking to find a ring in the future. Tom Grapeview, WA
I’d highly recommend Jeff...
Thank YOU Jeff for diligent efforts and successfully finding my ring which I had given up as lost for good for these past four years. Just by sheer luck I happened to be listening to KIRO last February and since the ring had a lot of sentimental value to me, I thought I’d make one last attempt to locate the ring and reach out to Ring Finder’s, not realizing that there was even such a service available. It’s utterly amazing how you were able to find the ring buried under a layer of dust inside the tiniest of crevices!! You have no idea how happy both Glenn and I are. This will definitely be one of our best stories to share with family and friends. Next stop will be Shane Co. and we will tell them how you found our ring! Kelly Midomaru - Seattle, WA
This will definitely be one of our best stories to share with family and friends