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Success Stories
06/2024 lost chain pendant
First rescue of the season.
iPhone recovery
DIAMOND bracelet found!
Lee's Heart Broken after Losing her Beautiful Diamond Wedding Ring
Cala San Vincente 2
Southport Spit ring recovery
Ring found on Florida beach
Found Lost Gold ROLEX on Coogee Beach, Who LOST it??
Found Diamond Ring!
James 6th Year Marriage Anniversary, Lost His Ring today
Lost engagement ring found
Gold Wedding Ring Found and Returned in Sand at Crystal Cove, Newport Beach, CA.
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Hatte bei der Telefonnummer von der Internetseite angerufen und innerhalb von 5 Minuten einen Rückruf bekommen. Mir wurde auf Rügen sofort ein Ringfinder vermittelt, mit dem ich noch am gleichen Abend auf die Suche ging. Auch wenn wir meinen Ring leider nicht mehr finden konnten, lag es sicher nicht am Ringfinder oder seiner Ausstattung. Alles war sehr professionell und er nahm sich sogar noch einen weiteren Abend, um noch zusätzlich mit seinem Sohn nach meinem Ring zu suchen.
Karl Hansmeister
Super nette Organisation, Ring ist glücklicherweise von selbst wieder aufgetaucht aber ich bin mir sicher dass ich hier evtl gute Hilfe bekommen hätte....
Cornelia Jakob
Wir schreiben das Jahr 2021 bei der Geschichte fühlt man sich aber in das 15 Jahrhundert zurück versetzt. Wir befinden uns nicht in der Karibik sondern am Timmendorfer Strand. Nach schwerer Folter durch den Henker habe ich zugegeben den Ehering meiner Frau nicht Ordnungsgemäß verstaut zu haben. Wo er dadurch verloren gegangen ist. Nach Tagelanger Einsamkeit im Kerker habe ich die Information bekommen das die Treuen Recken von Ringfinder sich auf die Suche machen würden. Unter schweren Einsatz Ihres Lebens wurde der Ring wieder gefunden und meiner Frau wieder in Ihrer Obhut gegeben. Ich möchte den tapferen Recken für Ihren Einsatz Danke.
Michael Prusseit
Thanks Michael you really saved me mate, I thought that ring was gone. had no idea underwater metal detecting is a thing, just want to thank you. your a bloody legend!!
what a legend
Jeff will be a family legend forever. I did not expect him to drive the lengths that he did, and certainly not at the TIME that he did, to recover my ring during low tide at the beach. The dedication Jeff has for this service is unparalleled and motivated by the love he has received from his Lord. The video says the rest. Jackie & I will always be grateful. -Jonathan Seattle, WA
Jackie & I will always be grateful...
Working with Jeff was a pleasure. He’s easy to be around, genuinely interested in helping people, and a master of his craft. His process started with a series of questions about how/where it was lost - assumptions were challenged, and facts were identified. He then developed a plan for the search and clearly communicated this with me. When he showed up I already knew what he was going to do, the gear he was going to use, and the reasoning behind it all. Using a variety of equipment, Jeff methodically searched a 50’ radius from the assumed location of the ring in 36’ of water, with a bottom time of over 3.5 hours, and only stopping when all three of his air tanks were empty. While we didn’t find the ring, knowing we did everything we could to recover it was of huge value to me. I’d highly recommend Jeff to anyone looking to find a ring in the future. Tom Grapeview, WA
I’d highly recommend Jeff...
Ich hatte meinen Ehering verloren und nach zunächst erfolgloser Suche den Kontakt zu Ringfinder gesucht. Gemeldet hat sich Janik Ratke. Der Kontakt war sehr freundlich und Hilfsbereit. Schon im Telefonat wurden Gegebenheiten geklärt und ein Termin ausgemacht. Glücklicherweise ist der Ring dann doch noch gefunden worden. Für die freundliche und hilfsbereite Kontaktaufnahme möchte ich hier dennoch eine Bewertung hinterlassen. :)
Chris Straube here, I'm Patricia and Barry's son. Just wanted to thank you for finding Mom's wedding ring...I can't believe you found it on such a busy stretch such as Alki! It truly blows the mind. Keep up the good work, and thanks again. -Chris Straube Seattle, WA
I can't believe you found it...
Jeff was very professional, consultative and well organized - and he found our sixteen year old daughter's gold pendant in Lake Washington. Thank you Jeff! The longer story. My sixteen year old daughter lost her pendant off a dock in Lake Washington - the necklace snapped and the pendant slipped through the slats on the dock. The pendant was a birthday gift and very meaningful to her so we knew we had to find it! We were lucky in that she marked the location where it had fallen into the water - so we knew we had a chance. When we first visited the spot I jumped in to look for the pendant - but the water was very cold and visibility under the dock was poor. We decided at that point that we needed a professional. We got lucky again when we found Jeff. He quickly reviewed the situation and thought we had a chance. The next day he brought his gear to the dock and located the pendant. Jeff for the win! Thanks again Jeff - our daughter is very happy and so are we! Thanks, Jason Young Seattle, WA
Jeff was very professional, consultative and well organized
Michael you legend you saved my holiday and my marriage, I might show my wife the video of you finding my wedding ring In a few years. You run a great service and will recommend you highly.
Jeff, All I ever wanted was just to find my phone, even in the condition you found it in. Now I can have closure and not be stuck. I can move on now. I am so grateful for your help. Lost My Phone Mill Creek, WA
I am so grateful for your help.
Testimonial: Adam!!!!! He is amazing! I lost my parent’s wedding bands in the yard. I called Adam after searching for over a week with my own metal detector. Adam showed up and found both rings within less than 5 minutes! I’m eternally grateful ????????????????
I want to thank you again Michael, Can't explain how much this ring means to me as it belonged to my father who is no longer with us. You gave me a piece of my life I thought I lost forever. Thank you.
I lost my Grandmothers ring on Bondi Beach, being recommended to contact Michael Oliver. He picked up straight away and was on Bondi Beach just 35 minutes after I called him. He spoke with me getting all the information on my ring then he jumped straight into finding my ring. It took Michael less than 10 minutes to find my ring. He's positive attitude gave me hope and to find it so fast amazed me. I will recommend Michael's metal detecting service to everyone I know he even told me that he metal detects and finds lost rings underwater, I then seen his youtube videos and amazed at all the rings he has found underwater. Michael you make a lot of people happy Thanks