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Found $17000 bangle in just 6 minutes of the dive Found $17000 bangle in just 6 minutes of the dive
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Michael you are such a blessing, from my family and I you did an outstanding job finding my families Buried jewellery under our house, I was only expecting one box of jewellery when you showed me the 2 boxes of jewellery it was a beautiful surprise, I will wear my father's watch in his memory. You are amazing Michael thank you so very much, I was not aware you were claustrophobic and you still went into this small space for over an hour, Your commitment is inspiring. Thank You Michael Oliver
Jeff! Thank you so much!!! You made my day and I felt like I could breathe again. My ring means the world to me. I so appreciate your professionalism and knowledge and within minutes you found it. Hopefully I don’t loose something again but if I ever need #SeattleRingHunter I know who to call! Thanks again! Christi Downs Bellevue, WA
My ring means the world to me. I so appreciate your professionalism and knowledge...
This truly was an unbelievable recovery. We live in AZ and the rings had been lost on the course for almost 3 weeks, there was a lot of doubt, but I had to try. I kept thinking, a year from now, if I don’t at least give it my best shot, I would still wonder, what if? I am still in shock that we found them. When I look at them, it is with joy like never before. Thank you Jeff Morgan for agreeing to help us…..a 6 hour round trip in the car, and nearly 6 hours of searching. We couldn’t have done it without you!
Thank you Jeff Morgan for agreeing to help us….
Working with Jeff was a pleasure. He’s easy to be around, genuinely interested in helping people, and a master of his craft. His process started with a series of questions about how/where it was lost - assumptions were challenged, and facts were identified. He then developed a plan for the search and clearly communicated this with me. When he showed up I already knew what he was going to do, the gear he was going to use, and the reasoning behind it all. Using a variety of equipment, Jeff methodically searched a 50’ radius from the assumed location of the ring in 36’ of water, with a bottom time of over 3.5 hours, and only stopping when all three of his air tanks were empty. While we didn’t find the ring, knowing we did everything we could to recover it was of huge value to me. I’d highly recommend Jeff to anyone looking to find a ring in the future. Tom Grapeview, WA
I’d highly recommend Jeff...
Nicht einmal 1/2 Tag ist vergangen von der Meldung meines Verlustes, bis zum Fund meines Verlobungsrings. Dazu kommt, dass jede Kontaktperson unglaublich nett ist und man merkt einfach wie sehr diese sich mit einem freuen. Einfach großartig. 1000 Dank
Victoria Originals
Thank you Michael for your amazing service, you came highly recommended by many people at Bondi, you got to us so fast and my partner was impressed not at how fast you found both my rings but you can tell us what your finding before you dig. We can see you love what you do, I just want to say thank you for your amazing service i'll pass on your details to anyone who needs help finding lost jewelry
Thank you Michael for finding my stolen iPhone 15 Max, I'm devastated these bag thieves smashed my screen. I really appreciate you coming out to help me. You kept telling me you will find my phone, your confidence kept my mind at ease. Thank you
Michael this Rolex is really priceless as it's going to be a PRESENT to my daughter when she grows up. I wanted my daughter to have something special that I wore while she was growing up. This Rolex will have many memories attached to it, including Michael Oliver the Metal detectorist who saved the day. Thank Michael
Wow! Jeff, I am so impressed by your skill, methodical approach, your determination, and positive attitude. It worked! We went from being distressed at the loss of such an important symbol of our marriage to completely relieved and elated. Thank you, thank you a thousand times over! I highly recommend your services.
Thank you, thank you a thousand times over! I highly recommend your services.
Super sympathisch, ehrlich, hilfsbereit, schnell und richtig motiviert bei der Suche, die in kurzer Zeit erfolgreich verlief. Kann die Ringfinder sehr empfehlen!
Josua Neudeck
Leider sind nur 5 Sterne möglich, denn heute ist Herr Becker von Ringfinder.eu bei der Suche unseres vor 4 Monaten verlorenen Eherings und nur wenigen Erfolgschancen mit seinem Metalldetektor tatsächlich fündig geworden! Er ist sehr nett & kompetent! Vielen Dank & alles Gute!
Heidi Kusan
Thank You Michael Oliver from lost jewellery recovery, you legend you found my lost ring in just a few minutes and we searched for over an hour for it. I’m going to let everyone I know about you, it’s really cool your metal detecting service is worldwide. I can’t explain how much this ring means to me, you must make a-lot of people happy. What an incredibly rewarding job you have. Thank you.
lost ring Bronte Beach, Sydney
If you lose your ring I would highly recommend you call Jeff Morgan with https://theringfinders.com/Jeff.Morgan/ He rushed out to my house just hours before the big snow and found my ring that I thought was gone for good. He’s a super friendly funny guy and is really good at what he does. Dominic Legg - Woodinville, WA
If you lose your ring I would highly recommend you call Jeff Morgan...
Beste Dudes, die mir aus einer schier aussichtslosen Situation geholfen haben! Schnelle Kontaktaufnahme, mega freundlich und engagiert und sich selbst nicht zu schade, für das Gute, 6 Stunden Autofahrt auf sich zu nehmen! Natürlich nur weil ich den kalten Finger im See unterschätzt habe und ich dadurch meinen Ehering im Urlaub verloren hatte! Selten so euphorisch gewesen, wie in dem Moment als er geborgen wurde! Dank geht raus an Steven aka Herr der Ringe und Janik!
fiese assel