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- Namur 1
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Meine Frau hat am 28.07.2021 ihren Ehering beim Baden in der Ostsee verloren. Noch in der selben Nacht hat uns Kai von Ringfahnder.de beraten und an Marcel und Lukas von Ringfinder.eu vermittelt. Mit den beiden haben wir uns am Abend des Folgetages zur Suche am Strand getroffen. Die beiden sind bestens ausgerüstet, erfahren, strukturiert und super freundlich. Während Lukas den Strand durchkämmt hat, ist Marcel ins Wasser gegangen. Nach gefühlten 2 Minuten war der Ring gefunden. Unglaublich! Von uns für alle Beteiligten eine klare Empfehlung in den Punkten: Kommunikation, Vertrauenswürdigkeit, Zuverlässigkeit und Professionalität. 1000 Dank noch einmal an alle und beste Grüße
Tamer Saka
Jeff will be a family legend forever. I did not expect him to drive the lengths that he did, and certainly not at the TIME that he did, to recover my ring during low tide at the beach. The dedication Jeff has for this service is unparalleled and motivated by the love he has received from his Lord. The video says the rest. Jackie & I will always be grateful. -Jonathan Seattle, WA
Jackie & I will always be grateful...
This truly was an unbelievable recovery. We live in AZ and the rings had been lost on the course for almost 3 weeks, there was a lot of doubt, but I had to try. I kept thinking, a year from now, if I don’t at least give it my best shot, I would still wonder, what if? I am still in shock that we found them. When I look at them, it is with joy like never before. Thank you Jeff Morgan for agreeing to help us…..a 6 hour round trip in the car, and nearly 6 hours of searching. We couldn’t have done it without you!
Thank you Jeff Morgan for agreeing to help us….
Habe Sonntag meinen Ehering verloren, dann bei der Hotline angerufen und uns wurde noch am gleichen Tag weiter geholfen und haben somit den Ring auch Sonntag wieder gefunden, wir alleine hätten dies niemals geschafft. Alle waren sehr nett und zuvorkommen. Ich bin so froh meinen Ring wieder zuhaben und sehr dankbar für die Hilfe von Ringfinder.eu. Nochmal ein riesengroßes Dankeschön ☺️
Working with Jeff was a pleasure. He’s easy to be around, genuinely interested in helping people, and a master of his craft. His process started with a series of questions about how/where it was lost - assumptions were challenged, and facts were identified. He then developed a plan for the search and clearly communicated this with me. When he showed up I already knew what he was going to do, the gear he was going to use, and the reasoning behind it all. Using a variety of equipment, Jeff methodically searched a 50’ radius from the assumed location of the ring in 36’ of water, with a bottom time of over 3.5 hours, and only stopping when all three of his air tanks were empty. While we didn’t find the ring, knowing we did everything we could to recover it was of huge value to me. I’d highly recommend Jeff to anyone looking to find a ring in the future. Tom Grapeview, WA
I’d highly recommend Jeff...
Michael you are the best, my grandmothers ring means everything to me. I can't believe you found it after I lost all hope, you knew it was my ring before you even dug it. Watching you search was interesting you have this intense focus My friend said he will find it. I will share your contact details on my social media. I still can't believe you can metal detect underwater
Thanks Michael Oliver
Wir schreiben das Jahr 2021 bei der Geschichte fühlt man sich aber in das 15 Jahrhundert zurück versetzt. Wir befinden uns nicht in der Karibik sondern am Timmendorfer Strand. Nach schwerer Folter durch den Henker habe ich zugegeben den Ehering meiner Frau nicht Ordnungsgemäß verstaut zu haben. Wo er dadurch verloren gegangen ist. Nach Tagelanger Einsamkeit im Kerker habe ich die Information bekommen das die Treuen Recken von Ringfinder sich auf die Suche machen würden. Unter schweren Einsatz Ihres Lebens wurde der Ring wieder gefunden und meiner Frau wieder in Ihrer Obhut gegeben. Ich möchte den tapferen Recken für Ihren Einsatz Danke.
Michael Prusseit
Jeff, All I ever wanted was just to find my phone, even in the condition you found it in. Now I can have closure and not be stuck. I can move on now. I am so grateful for your help. Lost My Phone Mill Creek, WA
I am so grateful for your help.
Janik hat meinen Mann seinen Ehering sehr schnell in einem See wieder gefunden. Wir hatten nicht mehr dran geglaubt ihn wieder zu bekommen, jedoch machte er uns Hoffnung und hat ihn tatsächlich wieder gefunden. Wir waren super glücklich darüber! Wir können Janik an jedem weiter empfehlen, super nett und versucht einem so schnell wie möglich bei der Suche zu helfen. Vielen lieben Dank dir nochmal! Viele liebe Grüße von Andrej und Lena
Lena Jungkunz
Michael your a legend thank you for meeting me this late at night to find my gold chain. friends of mine recommended you and I didn't expect you to come out late at night to metal detect underwater, didn't know this was a thing thats even possible. I told my friend she said this guy is amazing I knew he would find it for you. I'm shocked how many people know who you are and I've never heard of you, well I do now and will pass on on your details to everyone who needs your service. thanks for the lift home your a legend
Thanks you so much Michael
My friend and I went for a walk one evening and she felt her ring fall off her finger. We knew it was nearby but couldn't find it. I found Jeff on: https://theringfinders.com/Jeff.Morgan/ He was very reassuring over the phone during the stressful situation. He was willing to come all the way to north Seattle to help that evening. Over the phone he offered advice for our search and we found it before his long drive. I give credit to Jeff for the ring being found! We need more caring people like him. Thanks again! Claire Tadych Seattle, WA
I give credit to Jeff for the ring being found! We need more caring people like him.
Habe meinen In-Ear-Kopfhörer im Gebüsch verloren, meine manuelle Suche hatte aufgrund des hohen Grases leider keinen Erfolg. Janik hat sich dann nach meiner Anfrage ziemlich schnell gemeldet und wir haben einen Termin vereinbart. Zuerst haben wir mit dem Pinpointer das Gebüsch abgesucht, der Erfolg kam dann aber mit dem großen Metalldetektor an einer Stelle an der ich es eigentlich gar nicht erwartet hatte. Vielen Dank an Janik für die superschnelle Rückmeldung und die professionelle Suche, keine 24h nach der Anfrage konnte ich meinen Kopfhörer wieder in den Händen halten. Ich wollte es eigentlich zuerst alleine versuchen aber die Unterstützung eines freundlichen Profis und bessere Geräte sind das Geld auf jeden Fall wert, da sie die Suche stark verkürzen. Klare Empfehlung!
Fel Sch
Speechless I am!! didn't know underwater metal detecting services even existed. my friend highly recommended you to me and I was not disappointed. your confidence and positive attitude is inspiring, to see you in the water with these waves crashing down on you. I felt really bad and at first thought this is not going to happen then you call out to me with the biggest smile on your face saying you found my ring. Thank you michael for all you do, i'm going to recommend you to everyone I know. Thank you Michael.
Michael you legend
Michael did a great job finding my lost ring, we had another metal detector search this area 5 weeks ago and Michael found my ring in just 30 minutes. Michael is full of positive energy he kept saying DON'T WORRY MATE, I WILL FIND IT and he did. Thanks Michael I will be recommending your services to our friends.
Thank you Michael Oliver for coming out to help me, My iPhone is only a year old and has all my Holiday photos on it along with all my contacts I have not backed up. It truly means the world to me, I didn't even know underwater metal detecting was even a thing!! Thank you so much I'm going to tell everyone about the incredible service you provide. Thanks Stef
Stefanie Lost iPhone