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Absolute Empfehlung 🤩 ich habe meinen Ring auf einer Pferdekoppel verloren und hatte keine Ahnung, wo genau. Wir haben stundenlang erfolglos selbst gesucht. Ein halbes Jahr später haben die Ringfinder nur 40 Minuten gebraucht und waren erfolgreich. Ich war selten so glücklich wie an diesem Tag. So schön, dass das Team das freiwillig macht und einem etwas so wertvolles (vor allem emotional) wieder zurück gibt. Vielen Dank!!!!
Sina Wettig
Michael you are such a blessing, from my family and I you did an outstanding job finding my families Buried jewellery under our house, I was only expecting one box of jewellery when you showed me the 2 boxes of jewellery it was a beautiful surprise, I will wear my father's watch in his memory. You are amazing Michael thank you so very much, I was not aware you were claustrophobic and you still went into this small space for over an hour, Your commitment is inspiring. Thank You Michael Oliver
I can't thank you enough Michael, This chain belonged to my grandmother. She wore it when she passed away and it means so much to me and my family you were able to find it in the rough surf at Tamarama Beach. Your a legend
Thanks Mike what a legend
Michael you have provided an outstanding service. I searched for over an hour for my ring with no hope. You came in and found it within minutes. Watching you metal detect I knew you would find my ring even with all the kids running around you. You kept your focus and watching you was inspiring, then you said I can film the target, like a magician you knew it was my ring before you dug it. You are Amazing Thank you
Thank you so much Michael, absolute legend. Shona
Michael you legend
Ringfinder kann ich besten Gewissens empfehlen! Vielen Dank an Pascal und an Janik, vom Kontakt bis zur Ausführung war alles sehr freundlich und professionell. Ihr habt es geschafft mein Handy aus einem 7m tiefen See zu bergen, nachdem ich die Hoffnung schon fast aufgegeben hatte. Versunken ist das Handy mit einer wasserdichten Hülle und es ist tatsächlich unbeschädigt! Ohne Euch hätte ich mein Handy und meine Daten nie wieder gesehen, vielen lieben Dank und alles Gute!
Elena Hoffmann
I was unfortunate enough to lose an 18ct gold with 1.5cts of diamonds on our 14 acre property while working!!!! Mind you the area I lost it was probably about 2 acres, long grass and a lot of tree branches! My husband had given it to me for our 20th wedding anniversary 6 mths prior! I was beside myself. Somebody suggested I hire a metal detector or 4! I put a post on our local Facebook marketplace, and Kyle replied within the hour. He basically said he was around where our property was, and was more than happy to come by and take a look! Kyle and his gorgeous wife arrived with 2 metal detectors and a wealth of experience and knowledge. They literally covered every square cm of the area I’d been working in. 3 hours later, I’d given up hope. Kyle said he’d go for one last look, and off he went. Much to my absolute astonishment and absolutely delight, he was successful! He never gave up, and was genuinely almost as happy as I was! I literally almost passed out with shock…..I thought it was gone forever!!! Kyle and Milli were so enthusiastic and caring! I cannot recommend Kyles incredible service if you ever find yourself in a situation with a piece of lost jewellery or something of sentimental value! 10/10 for service with a smile and a passion for helping!!! Thank you so so much Kyle and Milli!!!
Found, 18c bangle with 1.5c of diamonds
I wanted to share my incredible 10/10 experience regarding Jeff Morgan The Seattle Ring Hunter!!! I recently lost 3 very expensive rings in my deep backyard (1 engagement ring, 1 wedding band, and 1 jewelry ring). These rings had deep sentimental importance and were also valued at over $160K. . . . . . I knew they were lost in the deep woods of my large 10 acre property that was very sloped and difficult to even get through. Jeff has tremendous experience and ingenuity in developing a very strategic system to map out the yard and locate the ring(s) using intense attention to detail and various metal-detection equipment. The first 2 days there was no luck, but on the 3rd day 2 rings were found, and on the 4th day the 3rd and final ring was also found!!! It was one of the happiest moments of our lives, and we can't thank Jeff enough for his persistence, professionalism, determination, and positivity throughout the process. He is definitely a "People Person" with a warm personality and awesome communication skills. It is obvious he takes great pride in his work, and literally he changes people's lives where many have lost all hope and are in a very bad place. We whole-heartedly recommend and endorse Jeff Morgan The Seattle Ring Hunter!!! He is the best. Ed - North Bend, WA
Incredible 10/10 experience regarding Jeff Morgan The Seattle Ring Hunter!!!
Michael did a great job finding my lost ring, we had another metal detector search this area 5 weeks ago and Michael found my ring in just 30 minutes. Michael is full of positive energy he kept saying DON'T WORRY MATE, I WILL FIND IT and he did. Thanks Michael I will be recommending your services to our friends.
Super schnelle Hilfe ! Danke Janik!
Stephanie Hofmann
Vielen Dank für die sehr spontane und sehr schnelle Hilfe ! Ring war 1Woche im Neckar und konnte zügig gefunden werden. Sehr professionelle Geräte und viel Erfahrung machten dies möglich.
Philip Christner
Jeff is like a saint, a ninja, a magician and superhero all rolled into one! After searching 3 hours underwater I gave up all hope of finding my ring. A month or so later I randomly heard of The Ring Finders and contacted him. He searched once and had no luck (underwater in December!) Fast forward to June and I got a text from him. Turns out even though I gave up hope, he didn't. After nearly 9 months underwater HE FOUND MY RING! I can't emphasize enough how awesome he is. Never give up hope, he bought new equipment, dove in the middle of winter and just kept trying till he found my ring. The world needs more people like Jeff. Rowan Chadwick Minneapolis USA
Jeff is like a saint, a ninja, a magician and superhero all rolled into one!
Thank You Michael for finding my families lost wedding rings, as you know my mother passed away 8 years ago and the last few days have been mentally devastating after the loss of the rings. I didn't know underwater metal detecting was even a thing and I seen your youtube videos. It's amazing how many people you help. Thank you Simon
Michael Oliver you Legend
Ich habe meinen Ring vor einem halben Jahr in der benachbarten Grünfläche verloren. Auch nachdem wir das ganze Gelände zigfach abgesucht und gegraben haben wurde der Ring nicht gefunden. Durch Zufall erfuhr ich von den Ringindern. Nach telefonischen Kontakt kam eine Mitglied innerhalb einem Tag zu uns. Auch wenn ich nicht daran geglaubt habe, dass der ring noch gefunden wird, kann ich nur mit Freude mitteilen, dass der Ring nach ca. 1 Stunde professioneller Suche tatsächlich gefunden wurde. Nochmals besten Dank hierfür. Kann und werde ich weiterempfehlen
Peter Kronawitter
If you lose your ring I would highly recommend you call Jeff Morgan with He rushed out to my house just hours before the big snow and found my ring that I thought was gone for good. He’s a super friendly funny guy and is really good at what he does. Dominic Legg - Woodinville, WA
If you lose your ring I would highly recommend you call Jeff Morgan...