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Hey mate, here is my review for you: I lost my ring in the ocean ant Wattamolla Beach and thought it was gone forever. However some people close by told me about Michael Oliver’s metal detecting service, so I thought I’d give him a call right away. He answered my first call, made arrangements to come immediately to meet us, and was clear on his pricing. Stormy weather made the first dive unsuccessful, but Michael remained positive and returned the next day. I’m glad he did, because he found my ring. Michael was genuinely pleased to have helped me get my ring back, and I never felt he was trying to play on sentiment to make money. He is friendly, positive and professional, and I couldn’t be happier with the service. Would totally recommend Michael Oliver
Amazing service Michael
Thanks Michael, this ring has been with me for many years. It was impressive to how much focus you have on the job while still having a laugh with us which helped to keep my mind at ease as you kept telling us it's here and I will find it. We knew you'd find our ring. you have such an incredible job and we could see you really love it. thanks for giving me the jumper by the way I was freezing and you kept checking on me to make sure I was ok. You care about the people you help I love this about you. I've told all my friends about the incredible service you provide thank you Michael
Thanks Michael
Michael I cannot thank you enough for finding my ring, apologies for not being there I was on holiday, I'm telling every one about your amazing service we all thought my ring was a gonna because i could not give you an accurate search area and being lost in the water my friends advised i dont get my hopes up but you were confident on the phone with me and in the back of my head i told myself, hes going to find it. I also watched your videos on youtube I can see the passion you have to help others, your a legend Michael
Michael Oliver you Legend!!
I can't thank you enough for finding my lost engagement ring, it's my 10 year anniversary this year, means the world to us what you did. The moment we met you, you gave us hope. We first thought before meeting you, you had no hope finding my ring. You are so positive and confident, you searched for hours with such a positive and professional attitude, we can see you truly love what you do. I can't imagine how many people you have helped over the years. You definitely saved a few marriages. How can I become a patron, I'd love to continue supporting your efforts, you're an inspiration, you even make YouTube videos. They are really nice to watch. Now my ring has a happy story we can share with our friends and family. I'll recommend you to everyone. Thanks so very much!
Michael your a legend thank you for meeting me this late at night to find my gold chain. friends of mine recommended you and I didn't expect you to come out late at night to metal detect underwater, didn't know this was a thing thats even possible. I told my friend she said this guy is amazing I knew he would find it for you. I'm shocked how many people know who you are and I've never heard of you, well I do now and will pass on on your details to everyone who needs your service. thanks for the lift home your a legend
Thanks you so much Michael
Sehr begeistert. 12 Stunden nach Erstkontakt kamen 2 sehr nette Taucher. Nach kurzer Einweisung und anlegen der Ausrüstung wurde Mein Ehering in 5 Minuten aus dem Baggersee geborgen. Danke Jungs
Patrick Schneeberger
Sie sind super hilfreich und organisiert. Ich danke Ihnen vielmals
Mrt Emn
Thank you Michael Oliver for coming out to help me, My iPhone is only a year old and has all my Holiday photos on it along with all my contacts I have not backed up. It truly means the world to me, I didn't even know underwater metal detecting was even a thing!! Thank you so much I'm going to tell everyone about the incredible service you provide. Thanks Stef
Stefanie Lost iPhone
Super nette Organisation, Ring ist glücklicherweise von selbst wieder aufgetaucht aber ich bin mir sicher dass ich hier evtl gute Hilfe bekommen hätte....
Cornelia Jakob
Janik hat meinen Mann seinen Ehering sehr schnell in einem See wieder gefunden. Wir hatten nicht mehr dran geglaubt ihn wieder zu bekommen, jedoch machte er uns Hoffnung und hat ihn tatsächlich wieder gefunden. Wir waren super glücklich darüber! Wir können Janik an jedem weiter empfehlen, super nett und versucht einem so schnell wie möglich bei der Suche zu helfen. Vielen lieben Dank dir nochmal! Viele liebe Grüße von Andrej und Lena
Lena Jungkunz
Freundlich, zuvorkommend, hilfsbereit! Tolle Truppe.
Lorenz Kraft
Mein Handy wurde in kurzer Zeit gefunden im See gefunden, voll funktionsfähig, war sprachlos.
Elsa Z.
Ringfinder kann ich besten Gewissens empfehlen! Vielen Dank an Pascal und an Janik, vom Kontakt bis zur Ausführung war alles sehr freundlich und professionell. Ihr habt es geschafft mein Handy aus einem 7m tiefen See zu bergen, nachdem ich die Hoffnung schon fast aufgegeben hatte. Versunken ist das Handy mit einer wasserdichten Hülle und es ist tatsächlich unbeschädigt! Ohne Euch hätte ich mein Handy und meine Daten nie wieder gesehen, vielen lieben Dank und alles Gute!
Elena Hoffmann