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Feel free to post this wherever: You are amazing! You find needles in haystacks! I have few important possessions but my simple tiny gold band that united my wife and I, 52 years ago was one of them. I am 73 years old and have never taken it off and assumed I never would until the day I died. (May be now I have learned to take it off in the ocean!!). For 24 hours I thought that dream was gone. Thank you for not giving up. You have a great job. You bless lives. With much gratitude, Dominic Mangone.
Gold ring lost in shallow water @Wailea Beach
You bloody legend Michael My wife cannot believe you did not just my ring but you found other rings while you searched for mine. You run a great service and I will tell everyone who needs help about you. your doing gods work and saved my marriage for at least another year
you legend
Thank you Michael Oliver for coming out to help me, My iPhone is only a year old and has all my Holiday photos on it along with all my contacts I have not backed up. It truly means the world to me, I didn't even know underwater metal detecting was even a thing!! Thank you so much I'm going to tell everyone about the incredible service you provide. Thanks Stef
Stefanie Lost iPhone
Meine Frau hat am 28.07.2021 ihren Ehering beim Baden in der Ostsee verloren. Noch in der selben Nacht hat uns Kai von beraten und an Marcel und Lukas von vermittelt. Mit den beiden haben wir uns am Abend des Folgetages zur Suche am Strand getroffen. Die beiden sind bestens ausgerüstet, erfahren, strukturiert und super freundlich. Während Lukas den Strand durchkämmt hat, ist Marcel ins Wasser gegangen. Nach gefühlten 2 Minuten war der Ring gefunden. Unglaublich! Von uns für alle Beteiligten eine klare Empfehlung in den Punkten: Kommunikation, Vertrauenswürdigkeit, Zuverlässigkeit und Professionalität. 1000 Dank noch einmal an alle und beste Grüße
Tamer Saka
I just want to thank you Michael for finding my lost ring on Bondi Beach the other night, I didn't expect you to find it so fast. You are precise on the way you walk and swing your detector on your search. I watched you in inspiration, I knew you would find my ring. thanks for the advice i'm going to share you on face book everyone should know about lost jewellery recovery's metal detecting services. your a legend.
Thanks Michael Oliver
Habe meinen In-Ear-Kopfhörer im Gebüsch verloren, meine manuelle Suche hatte aufgrund des hohen Grases leider keinen Erfolg. Janik hat sich dann nach meiner Anfrage ziemlich schnell gemeldet und wir haben einen Termin vereinbart. Zuerst haben wir mit dem Pinpointer das Gebüsch abgesucht, der Erfolg kam dann aber mit dem großen Metalldetektor an einer Stelle an der ich es eigentlich gar nicht erwartet hatte. Vielen Dank an Janik für die superschnelle Rückmeldung und die professionelle Suche, keine 24h nach der Anfrage konnte ich meinen Kopfhörer wieder in den Händen halten. Ich wollte es eigentlich zuerst alleine versuchen aber die Unterstützung eines freundlichen Profis und bessere Geräte sind das Geld auf jeden Fall wert, da sie die Suche stark verkürzen. Klare Empfehlung!
Fel Sch
Speechless I am!! didn't know underwater metal detecting services even existed. my friend highly recommended you to me and I was not disappointed. your confidence and positive attitude is inspiring, to see you in the water with these waves crashing down on you. I felt really bad and at first thought this is not going to happen then you call out to me with the biggest smile on your face saying you found my ring. Thank you michael for all you do, i'm going to recommend you to everyone I know. Thank you Michael.
Michael you legend
Trotz 400 Kilometer Anfahrt hat Janik den Ehering meiner Frau aus dem See geholt. Wir sind mega Happy. Gibt nicht viele Menschen auf der Welt die sich so für andere einsetzen. Kann ich nur empfehlen
Manuel Abram
It was the day before NYE on a remote beach north of Coffs when my partners daughter lost her engagement ring whilst camping. I found Michael in a Google search and asked if he knew of anybody in the Coffs Harbour area who may provide a metal detector service. He put me onto Kyle and he was immediately onto it, enthusiastic, checking tide times, his gear and ready to go. Kyle didn’t hesitate with the hour long drive and 20-30km of it on gravel road, sand dunes and wading through the creek for the last section to the camp. He searched the sand through until 10pm under torch light with no luck, but he then returned the next morning. Within 20min he found it!! Thank you Kyle, you are such a genuine person, polite, professional and truely dedicated. Thank you so much for your effort. Helen
Engagement ring found at Pebbly Beach
Can’t write enough positive things about Dave. We thought we completely lost my promise ring in the water that meant the world to me. Called Dave and he came as soon as he could and assured us it wouldn’t be too hard to find. He was able to find it within 45 minutes and I can’t thank him enough! I thought it was absolutely lost forever, but thanks to him the ring was found. Extremely thankful for him and would recommend him 100%! :)
Promissory ring Found and Returned at Makena Beach
Michael you are such a blessing, from my family and I you did an outstanding job finding my families Buried jewellery under our house, I was only expecting one box of jewellery when you showed me the 2 boxes of jewellery it was a beautiful surprise, I will wear my father's watch in his memory. You are amazing Michael thank you so very much, I was not aware you were claustrophobic and you still went into this small space for over an hour, Your commitment is inspiring. Thank You Michael Oliver
Absolute Empfehlung 🤩 ich habe meinen Ring auf einer Pferdekoppel verloren und hatte keine Ahnung, wo genau. Wir haben stundenlang erfolglos selbst gesucht. Ein halbes Jahr später haben die Ringfinder nur 40 Minuten gebraucht und waren erfolgreich. Ich war selten so glücklich wie an diesem Tag. So schön, dass das Team das freiwillig macht und einem etwas so wertvolles (vor allem emotional) wieder zurück gibt. Vielen Dank!!!!
Sina Wettig
TESTIMONIAL: What started off as a fun 4th of July at Little Talbot Island Beach, quickly turned into panic when I realized my wedding ring and band came off of my finger in the water. Immediately we began to search the beach with no luck. I felt hopeless and I thought my last resort was informing the park rangers of the lost item and pray someone would stumble across it and return it. I left the beach knowing likely I would never see it again. Shortly after returning home, my husband’s aunt sent me some information on steps to follow when you have lost a ring. She also came across the site and sent it to me in case it could be helpful. I checked it out and searched our local area and came across Adam Greenburg. Not only did his solid experience and testimonies from other clients stand out to me but his personal values did as well. I felt confident if I had any shot at all of seeing my ring again it would be with some one like Adam. I contacted Adam on 4th of July, a couple hours after I left the beach. Even on a holiday he was kind enough to take my call, review details related to time the ring was lost, location, and even satellite imaging to get an approximate location. He checked tides and determined the best tide and time would be the following morning to start the search. Adam arrived to Talbot before opening and began his search immediately. He kept me up to date the entire search and ended up spending over 4 hours covering over three miles searching tirelessly for my rings. He informed me that he didn’t come across them but would continue his search and that I shouldn’t give up hope and that tides would be working in our favor the next couple days. I thanked him for his time and efforts and had peace knowing we gave it our best shot. On Thursday morning, 7/8 - to my surprise I received a picture from Adam of my ring and he said never lost faith! I immediately got tears in my eyes, I couldn’t believe it, he found not only my wedding ring but my band!!! All I can say from first contact to the ring being found, Adam was absolutely outstanding! This was not just luck that the rings were found, this was a direct result of Adam’s quick response and search efforts, his knowledge of his craft, knowledge of tides/ weather conditions, and his determination. Adam truly cared and understood how sentimental these rings were to me. As said from Adam “never lost faith”!
Michael was absolutely amazing - I lost my wedding ring on Freshwater Beach and he found it despite the eventual search area being at least 40m x 40 metres. I thought we would never find it, Michael refused to give up and he was not only a true professional but also genuinely caring given the circumstances.
Michael your Amazing